Friday, August 10, 2012


Well this boy I met at orientation I started talking to. Turns out his girlfriend had just broken up with him too. We started  talking and stuff like all day everyday and were skyping each other and stuff. He told me he liked me a lot and I liked him too. Well I texted him today because he hadn't texted me all day. This is what he sends back like two hours later "Hows it going I talked it out with my girl things are better but we are still lunch mates". Like OUCH. How rude too. I feel like he just led me on if he was just going to work things out with her. And on top of that, he told me they had been on and off for two years. Really?? How long is it going to take you to realize its not going to workout! People change, but not that much and especially in like a week's time. He said they argued all the time and its just probably not going to get resolved. I know I don't sound very optimistic for them, but us Caps are realistic. Plus he was a Virgo, we are like a perfect love match!! Haha. But really get a load. I don't even think shes that cute. So for him to break up with her, then go for me, then back to her is kind of an ego smack. Like I'm not arrogant or anything, but I know I'm cuter than her lol. I sound so high on myself. 
I also got my tragus pierced today, it did not hurt at all! Whoever tells you it hurts must have low pain tolerance! I probably am not going to clean it until I get home from work tomorrow just because I don't have any liquid Dial soap, which is usually pretty great for cleaning piercings, FYI.
Well I'm going to take my bruised heart and go to bed now. *sigh*:(

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